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Kids and Chiropractic

Who could be more important to you as a parent than your child?


Here at Premier Chiropractic we make it a point to check all our families’ children, either when we meet them or upon birth.

Our bodies are made to grow and heal from within. Subluxations can rob the body of its basic communication system that allows us to function at 100%. Our nervous systems allows us to breath, regulate core temperature, walk, talk, you name it. Most importantly for your child, the nervous system controls the immune system!

Our check-ups are easy, take little time, and depending on age and trauma history may not even require x-rays!

Just so you know, if your child requires care, children’s adjustments are much different than an adult’s. They are lighter and take less time. If subluxations are identified in your child’s spine, they usually take less time to correct than those found in adults. This is due to the amount of time the subluxations are present.

 It is as easy as scheduling a time during your next appointment for your child. We are always here to help you, your health is our goal! We cannot afford to wait to check for subluxations because of the damage that they can cause.

Sean Rundle, DC

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